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NEW: Planetarium!


Published 10.03.2025

Luxembourg's 1st and only permanent planetarium has opened its doors! (Science Show / only from the age of 6)

Get ready to experience an unforgettable interstellar journey for the whole family. The very first and only permanent Planetarium in Luxembourg accessible to the public is finally opening its doors! In an interactive show, travel to the stars, constellations, and planets.

A planetarium?

A planetarium is a 6 meter diameter dome in which you are comfortably seated on a lounge chair. Inside, a digital projector projects various astronomical phenomena in high resolution (4K) over the entire surface of the dome.

Float through space, travel through the stars, observe constellations and admire planets … our scientific communicators will take you on a trip through the universe!

Luxembourg Science Center: A fascinating journey of discovery for all ages!

At the Luxembourg Science Center, in Differdange, interact with nearly 100 experimental stations and take part in around twenty spectacular Science Shows (only from the age of 6) for the whole family.

Plan your exploration !

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