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An unforgettable summer experience!

Explorations Shows

Published 07.02.2025

Looking for an unforgettable family vacation activity?

The Luxembourg Science Center in Differdange is the destination of choice for enriching summer and school vacations. This interactive discovery center dedicated to science and new technologies offers an exciting adventure for all ages, every day of the year. Make the most of your vacation to explore with family and friends, and immerse yourself in a world of fascinating discoveries with nearly 100 interactive stations and 20 spectacular Science Shows, including our Planetarium.

Ideal indoor activities for hot days!

The Luxembourg Science Center is the perfect place to enjoy your vacation, even on hot summer days. Our air-conditioned facilities ensure optimum comfort throughout your visit.

An unforgettable summer experience!

Your adventure begins in our large exploration room. With nearly 100 interactive stations, you can experience amazing phenomena. Lift a car with the strength of your arms, take on a robot at table soccer, touch the world's largest plasma ball… there's something for every taste and every age!

(All our interactive stations are accompanied by touch screens with explanations in 5 languages: FR, EN, LU, DE, PT).

Spectacular Science Shows for an enriching vacation!

In addition to the large exploration room, take advantage of your vacation to attend some twenty spectacular Science Shows (from age 6) lasting an average of 45 minutes. Electricity, Fluids, Optics, Magnetism, Acoustics… not forgetting the Planetarium Show, where you'll travel through the stars!

(All our shows are presented in 4 languages: FR, EN, LU, DE. Consult the show program here: Show schedule).

Book your tickets now and make your vacation an unforgettable adventure at the Luxembourg Science Center!

Plan your exploration !

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