Shows NEW: Show "Meteorites" & RSA Cosmos Forum Projects FOREST DAYS (20–21 March 2025) – FOR PRIMARY SCHOOLS @Home LSC@Home – 15 expériences à découvrir! Shows NEW: Planetarium! Explorations Large exploration room @Home LSC Quiz (14 Topics) Explorations Shows Projects @Home Shows NEW: Show "Meteorites" & RSA Cosmos Forum Projects FOREST DAYS (20-21 March 2025) - FOR PRIMARY SCHOOLS Explorations This winter, enjoy an unforgettable experience! Explorations ASTRONOMY DAYS 2024 (12 & 13 Oct) Explorations Shows An unforgettable summer experience! Explorations Shows LSA – SPACE NIGHT @LSC (28/06/24) Explorations NEW: The Ant Farm! Explorations Shows 5 NOVELTIES: Interactive stations and other surprises! Explorations Projects Shows OCEAN DAYS (8-9 June) Projects Internship Project: Chicken eggs (VIDEO) Projects PAPER: "Neuro-explicit semantic segmentation of the diffusion cloud chamber" Projects Plangen, Gestalten, Bauen (12/05/23) Pagination 1 2 3 Plan your exploration ! Book your tickets ! Useful info